Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jackson's first ride on the school bus.

Hi. As some of you know, my little boy started at the special needs preschool for speech, last week. Today, was his first time riding the school bus and boy was he excited. The bus wasn't sure what time they would be arriving, so we ended up hanging out in the drive for an hour. I became bored and started taking photos....I took a ton of photos, but I will spare you and only share three that at terrible....

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the bus turns onto our street.

There is my big boy. I photo shopped out the county name, even though most of you know where we live.
Here is is getting ready to get off the bus.

There he is, being silly as ever, happy he got to ride the bus.


Nicole said...

I'll bet that made for a long day, Missy! What precious photos! :)

Erika said...

ahhh. Love how you photo documented that!

lisa truesdell said...

what a big day!! i'm glad he enjoyed the ride. =)