Last Wednesday we had one of those really bad winter storms. Tornadoes touched down on a city near by. We spent some time in the basement, the kids were scared with the high winds. The first two photos are what we saw looking out our basement door. That is our neighbors front yard. I lightened the second photo so you can see it a little better. That is not snow, (we live in the south and rarely get snow.) it is hail.
This is the hail on the pool cover and deck. My poor kids thought it was snow and had to play in it for a minute. It was too cold for them so they were done before I could snap a photo.
Look at how big the pieces of hail were. I love storms, but I am glad that one is over and that we didn't have any damage from it.
Wow! I live in Minnesota and your photos look exactly like my snow-covered front yard. Scary! I am glad you are ok!
Storms are so frightening! I've never been in one that bad, but the hail and lightening of Montana's springs are sometimes a thing to be fearful of. Welcome to Studio Calico by the way!
those are big balls of hail, dude!
that is some hail!!
WOW! West of Atlanta last week they had hail the size of grapefruit! Just a BIG OUCH for ones car, huh? looks like the ice from sonic. it's so scary! especially when the sky turns GREEN! glad you are ok! found you on SC, btw...
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